Friday, July 22, 2011

Little Tips: Concealer as Brightener

Hi All! Here's a little money saver tip that I've come up with. So, as you all know most people like to use what they call: ''brighteners'' as a highlight under your brow bone, and in your inner corners. I have found that buying a separate eye shadow, or highlight color can get pretty pricey! (even up to $20). So I've come up with a free way to use makeup you already have as a free brightener.
 Over the Summer, your skin gets very tan...Approximately 2 shades darker then your regular concealer color. Since your concealer is lighter than your skin tone, it works as a perfect highlight. What I do, is I squeeze a small bit of liquid concealer on my MAC 242 (concealer brush) and I dab a dot on my inner corners, and 2 dots under my brow bone. I then pat/blend it out with my fingers. It makes my whole face appear brighter, and more vibrant. I definitely recommend this trick to anyone who is looking for a brightener, but does not want to spend the extra $$. Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday!!

- BTW: Here is the concealer I use. It is Makeup Forever's Full Coverage Waterproof Concealer! (I'm shade 5 in case anyone was wondering)

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